We generally only use black webbing to accent these bags, but if you would like a different webbing color, please call us or leave a comment when you check out.
The small tote bag is 12" wide x 10" tall x 5" deep. This tote bag is great for carrying small items. It fits file folders perfectly and we use it as a purse to run out the door with.
The medium tote bag is 13" wide x 12" tall x 6" deep. The medium tote bag gives you extra room. It is the perfect steambath or swimming pool tote bag to fill with a towel and all your soaps.
The large tote bag is 14" wide x 15" tall x 9" deep. We love the large tote bag for grocery shopping. The brailer material is built to last and will withstand your gallons of milk and 15 pound (and bigger!) watermelons.